"The Ear in the Wall" by Arthur B. Reeve is a detective novel written during the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around the mysterious disappearance of a young woman named Betty Blackwell, whose case intertwines with political corruption and societal issues prevalent in the era. The protagonist, Craig Kennedy, a scientist and detective, partners with District Attorney Carton to unravel the case, which promises surprising revelations, particularly as it sheds light on the darker aspects of urban life. The opening of "The Ear in the Wall" introduces the complex world of crime and intrigue that permeates the city, setting the stage with District Attorney Carton discussing the baffling case of Betty Blackwell, who vanished without a trace while shopping. The chapter begins with Carton's visit to Kennedy's residence to seek his help, hinting at the intertwining of Betty's disappearance with a larger investigation into vice and graft that Carton is conducting. As they delve deeper into the case, readers encounter various themes such as the challenges faced by women in society, the struggle for reform against corruption, and the psychological elements of memory loss that complicate their pursuit of the truth. The adventure unfolds as Kennedy commits to finding Blackwell, engaging the reader with a blend of homage to social issues and thrilling detective work. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Ear in the Wall
By Arthur B. (Arthur Benjamin) Reeve
"The Ear in the Wall" by Arthur B. Reeve is a detective novel written during the early 20th century. The narrative revolves around the mysterious disa...
Arthur Benjamin Reeve was an American mystery writer. He is known best for creating the series character Professor Craig Kennedy, sometimes called "The American Sherlock Holmes", and Kennedy's Dr. Watson-like sidekick Walter Jameson, a newspaper reporter, for 18 detective novels. Reeve is famous mostly for the 82 Craig Kennedy stories, published in Cosmopolitan magazine between 1910 and 1918. These were collected in book form; with the third collection, the short stories were published grouped together as episodic novels. The 12-volume publication Craig Kennedy Stories was released during 1918; it reissued Reeve's books-to-date as a matched set.