"Percival Keene" by Captain Frederick Marryat is a novel written in the early 19th century. The story revolves around the titular character, Percival Keene, and his adventures stemming from his complex family dynamics and the societal expectations of his time. With a rich backdrop involving class distinctions and personal ambitions, the book captures the nuances of human relationships and the challenges faced in a young man's coming-of-age journey. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to Percival's family lineage and the events leading to his birth, including his mother's somewhat scandalous marriage to a marine private. We learn about his early influences, especially his complicated relationship with his mother and grandmother, as well as the dynamics at school under the tyrannical rule of Mr. O'Gallagher. Percival quickly becomes embroiled in mischief and retaliation against his master, leading to an explosive incident that results in the destruction of the schoolhouse. These events set the stage for Percival's growth and adventures as he navigates the challenges of youth, education, and societal norms. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Percival Keene
By Frederick Marryat
"Percival Keene" by Captain Frederick Marryat is a novel written in the early 19th century. The story revolves around the titular character, Percival ...
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About the Author
Captain Frederick Marryat was a Royal Navy officer and a novelist. He is noted today as an early pioneer of nautical fiction, particularly for his semi-autobiographical novel Mr Midshipman Easy (1836). He is remembered also for his children's novel The Children of the New Forest (1847). In addition, he developed a widely used system of maritime flag signalling, known as Marryat's Code.
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