"Sunshine and Snow" by Harold Bindloss is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Charley Gordon, a young boy at Firdene School, as he navigates the challenges brought on by financial hardship and the loss of family. The narrative highlights his growth as he transitions from school days filled with childish pursuits to a rugged life as a settler on the prairies of Canada, facing trials that test his resilience and emerging sense of responsibility. The opening of the story introduces Charley during a winter paper-chase at Firdene School, where he excels in both academics and athletic pursuits. However, a profound change occurs when he learns from his brother, Arthur, that they must abandon their hopes of military careers due to financial troubles that have resulted in the loss of their family’s savings. Faced with the challenge of relocating to Canada for a new start, Charley grapples with disappointment and uncertainty about the future. As he adjusts to the harsh realities of prairie life, enduring physical labor and the rigors of farming, the opening chapters set the stage for Charley’s transformation from a proud schoolboy to a capable young man, learning valuable lessons about hard work and adversity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sunshine and snow
By Harold Bindloss
"Sunshine and Snow" by Harold Bindloss is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Charley Gordon, a young boy at Firdene School, ...
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About the Author
Harold Edward Bindloss was an English novelist who wrote many adventure novels set in western Canada, and some in West Africa and England. His writing was strongly based on his own experience, whether as a seaman, a dock worker, a farmer or a planter.
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