"Wee Peter Pug" by Ernest A. Aris is a children's story written during the early 20th century. This whimsical tale revolves around the adventures of a mischievous little pug dog who takes delight in hiding his owner's shoe. The book captures the playful spirit of its young protagonist as it delves into themes of mischief and the consequences that can arise from it. The story follows Wee Peter Pug, who finds joy in the act of hiding the Dame's shoe, reveling in the laughter and excitement it generates among his animal friends, such as Nigger the kitten and Mrs. Duck. As a procession of garden creatures gathers to hear about the prank, their cheerful commotion ultimately alerts the Dame, leading to a humorous twist. When caught in the act, Peter receives a lighthearted reprimand, symbolized by a playful spanking with the very shoe he hid. While the story is filled with fun and laughter, it subtly teaches a lesson about accountability and the repercussions of one's actions, making it a charming read for young audiences. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Wee Peter Pug The Story of a Bit of Mischief and What Came of It
By Ernest A. (Ernest Alfred) Aris
"Wee Peter Pug" by Ernest A. Aris is a children's story written during the early 20th century. This whimsical tale revolves around the adventures of a...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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