"Dave Darrin and the German Submarines" by H. Irving Hancock is a naval adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around the young and dynamic Lieutenant-Commander Dave Darrin, who leads the destroyer "Logan" in patrol missions amidst the dangers of World War I, particularly focusing on the threats posed by German submarines. The book promises a thrilling exploration of naval warfare, heroism, and camaraderie on the high seas. At the start of the narrative, we meet Lieutenant-Commander Darrin and his crew as they carry out routine patrol duties in the "Danger Zone" near Ireland, fully aware of the lurking German submarines. Darrin, restless for action, soon encounters an enemy submarine and engages in a dramatic battle, showcasing both his command skills and tactical ingenuity. The tension builds as incidents of sabotage and the discovery of a potential spy on board escalate the stakes, setting the stage for adventure, conflict, and suspense as Darrin navigates the challenges of warfare at sea. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Dave Darrin and the German Submarines Or, Making a Clean-up of the Hun Sea Monsters
By H. Irving (Harrie Irving) Hancock
"Dave Darrin and the German Submarines" by H. Irving Hancock is a naval adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around th...
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About the Author
Harrie Irving Hancock was an American chemist and writer, mainly remembered as an author of children's literature and juveniles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and as having written a fictional depiction of a German invasion of the United States.
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