"Frank on the Lower Mississippi" by Harry Castlemon is a historical novel set during the mid-19th century, specifically against the backdrop of the American Civil War. The story follows a young Union officer named Frank Nelson as he navigates the complexities of warfare along the lower Mississippi, including his adventures in pursuit of enemies, camaraderie with fellow officers, and his promotion to executive officer on a naval vessel. The opening of the book sets the stage for Frank's experiences after the Union captures Vicksburg. Eager to explore the city and reclaim its significance, he admires the victorious soldiers and reflects on his role in the war. Soon, he finds himself aboard the USS Boxer, where he encounters his cousin, Archie Winters, newly appointed as the ship's paymaster. Their dynamic is highlighted in the face of danger as Frank becomes involved in intense skirmishes with guerrilla fighters and devises bold plans for ambushes, while Archie displays a contrasting blend of trepidation and enthusiasm as he acclimates to naval life. The stage is effectively set for a series of adventures involving military strategy, personal bravery, and familial bonds amidst the tumult of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Frank on the Lower Mississippi
By Harry Castlemon
"Frank on the Lower Mississippi" by Harry Castlemon is a historical novel set during the mid-19th century, specifically against the backdrop of the Am...
Charles Austin Fosdick, better known by his nom de plume Harry Castlemon, was a prolific writer of juvenile stories and novels, intended mainly for boys. He was born in Randolph, New York, and received a high school diploma from Central High School in Buffalo, New York. He served in the Union Navy from 1862 to 1865, during the American Civil War, acting as the receiver and superintendent of coal for the Mississippi River Squadron. Fosdick had begun to write as a teenager, and drew on his experiences serving in the Navy in such early novels as Frank on a Gunboat (1864) and Frank on the Lower Mississippi (1867). He soon became the most-read author for boys in the post-Civil War era, the golden age of children's literature.