"Monsieur Cherami" by Paul de Kock is a novel written in the early 19th century. The story revolves around the character Arthur Cherami, a once affluent man who has lost his fortune due to a life of excess and indulgence. As he navigates his new life of poverty in Paris, readers witness his struggles, ambitions, and romantic pursuits, often colored by his humorous and flamboyant personality. The opening of the novel introduces readers to a bustling Parisian omnibus office, setting the stage for various characters and their interactions as they prepare for outings and adventure. In the office, we see a lively portrayal of the city's social scene, highlighted by exchanges between potential passengers, illustrated with comic observations on human nature and the absurdities of life. Among them, Monsieur Cherami is introduced as a character marked by a charming yet foppish demeanor, reflecting the complexities of his previous life of luxury as he grapples with his current situation. The narrative effectively invites readers into the flow of Cherami’s experiences, leaving them eager to see how his extravagant character reconciles with the challenges he faces. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Monsieur Cherami
By Paul de Kock
"Monsieur Cherami" by Paul de Kock is a novel written in the early 19th century. The story revolves around the character Arthur Cherami, a once afflue...
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About the Author
Charles Paul de Kock was a French novelist. Although one of the most popular writers of his day in terms of book sales, he acquired a literary reputation for low-brow output in poor taste. In 2021 Brad Bigelow wrote: "Today, if we set aside over-priced print on demand reprints of his ancient editions, the works of Paul de Kock haven't seen a new English edition in at least a century."
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