"The Gold of Chickaree" by Susan Warner and Anna Bartlett Warner is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. This narrative continues the story of Wych Hazel, a vibrant and witty young woman facing the complexities of love and societal expectations. The plot revolves around her relationships with various suitors, including the rich and masterful Duke and her struggles with the emotional distance created by social conventions. The opening of the novel introduces several key characters and sets the stage for an intricate story. Primrose and her father, Dr. Maryland, discuss the prospects of Wych Hazel marrying Duke, highlighting her absence from their lives and expressing concern about her indulgence in societal frivolities. Meanwhile, Wych Hazel grapples with her feelings towards Mr. Rollo, whom she deeply cares for, yet finds herself drawn into the lively but superficial world around her. As the narrative unfolds, it becomes clear that Hazel's inner life—her unfulfilled love and the confusion over her choices—will play a central role in the story's development. The opening portion effectively establishes the emotional tensions and character dynamics that will shape the plot. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Gold of Chickaree
By Susan Warner
"The Gold of Chickaree" by Susan Warner and Anna Bartlett Warner is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. This narrative continues the stor...
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About the Author
Susan Bogert Warner was an American Presbyterian writer of religious fiction, children's fiction, and theological works. She is best remembered for her massive bestseller The Wide, Wide World. Her other works include Queechy, The Hills of the Shatemuc, Melbourne House, Daisy, Walks from Eden, House of Israel, What She Could, Opportunities, and House in Town. Warner and her sister, Anna, wrote a series of semi-religious novels that had extraordinary sales, including Say and Seal, Christmas Stocking, Books of Blessing, and The Law and the Testimony.
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