"His Darling Sin" by M. E. Braddon is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Lady Perivale, a widow navigating the hollow glamour of high society in London after the death of her husband. Initially filled with wealth and grace, she faces scandal and social ostracism as rumors about her inappropriate relationship with Colonel Rannock circulate, leaving her to reconcile her inner life with the harsh judgments of her superficial peers. The opening of the novel establishes a vivid contrast between the lavish yet empty life of Lady Perivale and her longing for genuine connection, increasingly complicated by her past and societal expectations. Upon her return to London from her Italian villa, Lady Perivale grapples with the disconcerting reception from former friends, compounded by receiving only a handful of letters and hints of the scandal that now shrouds her reputation. As she connects with her old friend, Susan, the weight of gossip and isolation begins to manifest, prompting a deep exploration of her character and the events leading to her present predicament. The narrative skillfully juxtaposes her vivid memories of happiness with her current sorrow, setting the stage for the unfolding drama. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
His darling sin
By M. E. (Mary Elizabeth) Braddon
"His Darling Sin" by M. E. Braddon is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Lady Perivale, a widow navigating the hollow...
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About the Author
Mary Elizabeth Braddon was an English popular novelist of the Victorian era. She is best known for her 1862 sensation novel Lady Audley's Secret, which has also been dramatised and filmed several times.
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