"The Young Alaskans" by Emerson Hough is a fictional adventure novel written in the early 20th century. Set in the rugged wilderness of Alaska, the story follows three young boys—Rob McIntyre, Jesse Wilcox, and John Hardy—as they embark on an exciting journey filled with exploration and challenges in the wild. The narrative captures their experiences as they engage with nature, confront dangers, and navigate their growth into young men. The opening of the book introduces readers to the coastal town of Valdez, where the boys eagerly await the arrival of a steamboat, the "Yucatan", which promises goods and letters from the outside world. Rob, Jesse, and John, all friends and aspiring adventurers, discuss hunting and the thrill of exploring Kadiak Island, fueled by the excitement of receiving rifles from their relatives. Upon meeting Uncle Dick, the boys are presented with the opportunity to travel to Kadiak for a summer filled with adventure. The early excitement sets the tone for their eventual journey into the wilderness, where they will learn to rely on their skills, instincts, and each other in a landscape ripe with both beauty and peril. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Young Alaskans
By Emerson Hough
"The Young Alaskans" by Emerson Hough is a fictional adventure novel written in the early 20th century. Set in the rugged wilderness of Alaska, the st...
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About the Author
Emerson Hough was an American writer best known for writing western stories and historical novels. His early works included Singing Mouse Stories and Story of the Cowboy. He was well known for his 1902 historical novel The Mississippi Bubble. Many of his works have been adapted into films and serial films.
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