"New Arabian Nights" by Robert Louis Stevenson is a collection of short stories written in the early 20th century. This work features a blend of adventure and intrigue, highlighting the escapades of the charming yet enigmatic Prince Florizel of Bohemia and his steadfast companion, Colonel Geraldine. The overarching theme revolves around the exploration of identity, fate, and the unpredictable nature of life as the characters navigate a world rich with moral ambiguity and existential dilemmas. The opening of the book introduces us to Prince Florizel, a royal with a penchant for adventure, who, while in disguise, engages in a peculiar meeting in a London oyster bar. Here, they encounter a troubled young man who amusingly offers cream tarts while simultaneously hinting at his darker troubles and intentions of joining a group called the Suicide Club. Their playful banter paves the way for a profound discussion about life’s choices and the meaning of existence, leading to the young man's shocking proposition. This opening sets a tone filled with whimsy and seriousness, hinting at the strange and dangerous connections that will be revealed in the stories to follow, effectively engaging the reader in a tale of camaraderie, tragicomic encounters, and the air of mystery surrounding the Suicide Club. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
New Arabian Nights
By Robert Louis Stevenson
"New Arabian Nights" by Robert Louis Stevenson is a collection of short stories written in the early 20th century. This work features a blend of adven...
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About the Author
Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, essayist, poet and travel writer. He is best known for works such as Treasure Island, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Kidnapped and A Child's Garden of Verses.
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