"Carnacki, the Ghost Finder" by William Hope Hodgson is a collection of supernatural detective stories written during the early 20th century. The narrative centers around the titular character, Thomas Carnacki, a supernatural investigator who employs various methods, including scientific techniques and ancient rituals, to confront and dispel malevolent entities. The tales often explore themes of the unseen world and the thin veil between reality and the supernatural. The beginning of "Carnacki, the Ghost Finder" introduces the reader to a dinner gathering among friends, where Carnacki prepares to recount an extraordinary tale of his recent ghost-hunting experience. As he sets the stage, he describes a haunting case involving a mysterious Grey Room where unsettling occurrences, such as a locked door slamming and bedclothes being thrown across the room, have led to fears of supernatural forces at play. This first glimpse into Carnacki's world establishes an atmosphere of suspense and curiosity, hinting at the blend of horror and investigative storytelling that characterizes the series. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Carnacki, the Ghost Finder
By William Hope Hodgson
"Carnacki, the Ghost Finder" by William Hope Hodgson is a collection of supernatural detective stories written during the early 20th century. The narr...
William Hope Hodgson was an English author. He produced a large body of work, consisting of essays, short fiction, and novels, spanning several overlapping genres including horror, fantastic fiction, and science fiction. Hodgson used his experiences at sea to lend authentic detail to his short horror stories, many of which are set on the ocean, including his series of linked tales forming the "Sargasso Sea Stories". His novels, such as The House on the Borderland (1908) and The Night Land (1912), feature more cosmic themes, but several of his novels also focus on horrors associated with the sea. Early in his writing career Hodgson dedicated effort to poetry, although few of his poems were published during his lifetime. He also attracted some notice as a photographer and achieved renown as a bodybuilder. He died in World War I at age 40.