"The Adventures of Ann: Stories of Colonial Times" by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman is a collection of short stories written in the late 19th century. This book delves into the life of a young girl named Ann Ginnins, who is bound as an apprentice in Colonial New England. The stories explore themes of childhood, mischief, and personal growth against the backdrop of the Puritan society of the time. The tales follow Ann as she navigates her challenges and adventures in the household of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wales. From her early struggles as a bound girl and the mischief she gets into, to her eventual adoptive relationship with Mrs. Polly Wales, each story captures Ann's spirited personality. Important characters in her life include her friend Hannah French, her compassionate grandmother, and the formidable Mrs. Dorcas Wales. The stories highlight Ann's journey toward maturity, her sense of loyalty, and her ability to learn from her mistakes. Overall, "The Adventures of Ann" paints a vivid picture of a young girl's life and the values of perseverance and family in a historical context. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Adventures of Ann: Stories of Colonial Times
By Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
"The Adventures of Ann: Stories of Colonial Times" by Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman is a collection of short stories written in the late 19th century. ...
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman was an American author.
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