"Rich Men’s Children" by Geraldine Bonner is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the lives of wealthy characters navigating personal and social dilemmas against the backdrop of California’s mining history. The central figures introduced include Bill Cannon, a prosperous miner known as the Bonanza King, and his daughter Rose, who are depicted against a dramatic landscape marked by isolation and intrigue. The opening portion sets the stage for the journey of Bill Cannon and his daughter, Rose, as they travel through the cold California foothills to reach the mining camp of Rocky Bar. The atmosphere is charged with a mix of adventure and the stark realities of pioneer life. The narrative captures their arrival in Rocky Bar, where they attract attention due to their status and the mystique surrounding Bill Cannon’s past. As they settle in for a meal at the local inn, hints of personal complexities and underlying tensions in their lives begin to emerge. This first chapter introduces not only the physical journey but also foreshadows a deeper exploration of themes related to family, societal expectations, and the impact of wealth on relationships. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Rich men's children
By Geraldine Bonner
"Rich Men’s Children" by Geraldine Bonner is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the lives of wealthy characters navi...
Geraldine Bonner was an American writer.
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