"Afar in the Forest" by W.H.G. Kingston is a land-based adventure novel written in the mid-19th century. The story centers around the lives of settlers navigating the challenges of wilderness life, with a focus on familial bonds and survival, particularly emphasizing the relationship between the narrator, Roger, and his uncle Mark. As they face dangers, including hostile Indians and wild animals, the narrative unveils themes of resilience and the clash of cultures in the North American frontier. The opening of the novel establishes a vivid backdrop of a wild and uncharted forest, where Roger and Uncle Mark attempt to carve out a living and recount their past adventures. Roger's curiosity and love for natural history are introduced, setting the stage for his character development. The narrative reflects on their journey from Cornwall to America, the harsh realities of life in the wilderness, and the immediate danger posed by both the environment and Indigenous peoples. As their story unfolds, they encounter tension and excitement, notably through moments like fighting off a wolf, which hints at the dangers that lie ahead, as well as the importance of community and alliances with figures like Kepenau, an Indian who becomes a pivotal character in their lives. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Afar in the Forest
By William Henry Giles Kingston
"Afar in the Forest" by W.H.G. Kingston is a land-based adventure novel written in the mid-19th century. The story centers around the lives of settler...
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About the Author
William Henry Giles Kingston, often credited as W. H. G. Kingston, was an English writer of boys' adventure novels.
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