"Guardians of the Tower" by Randall Garrett is a science fiction novella written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around a group of defenders known as the Guardians, who are tasked with protecting a mysterious Tower that holds significant value for the Free People against their envious enemies, the Wild Ones. The narrative explores themes of freedom, valor, and the essence of what it means to defend one's home. The plot follows Jon, a devoted Guardian, as he participates in a fierce battle to defend the Tower from an advancing enemy force led by a giant. Throughout the conflict, Jon fights valiantly alongside his comrades, witnessing devastation and loss. However, as the tide of battle turns and he finds himself alone against the giant, an unexpected twist occurs when one of the wounded Wild Ones opts to save him instead of claiming victory. This act of mercy leads to a pivotal shift, as the Wild One expresses a desire to join the Free People and understand their values of freedom and camaraderie. The story concludes with Jon and his new ally reflecting on the significance of the Tower as a symbol of liberty, emphasizing how the fight for freedom can forge unexpected bonds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Guardians of the Tower
By Randall Garrett
"Guardians of the Tower" by Randall Garrett is a science fiction novella written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around a group of defende...
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About the Author
Gordon Randall Phillip David Garrett was an American science fiction and fantasy author. He was a contributor to Astounding and other science fiction magazines of the 1950s and 1960s. He instructed Robert Silverberg in the techniques of selling large quantities of action-adventure science fiction, and collaborated with him on two novels about men from Earth disrupting a peaceful agrarian civilization on an alien planet.
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