"Dorothy Dale and Her Chums" by Margaret Penrose is a fictional novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the adventures of Dorothy Dale and her friends as they navigate both the joys and challenges of summer vacation, including the theft of pet pigeons and interactions with a group of gypsies. The central characters, Dorothy and her spirited friend Tavia, exhibit a close bond, showcasing themes of friendship, loyalty, and resourcefulness. At the start of the novel, readers are introduced to Dorothy and Tavia as they discover that their beloved pigeons have been stolen. This incident sparks their determination to uncover the mystery behind the theft. As they navigate the unfolding drama, they also encounter a gypsy girl named Urania, who adds an element of intrigue and complexity to their adventure. The opening chapters establish a light-hearted yet suspenseful tone, setting the stage for the escapades that Dorothy and her chums will undertake as they hunt for answers and seek to reclaim what has been taken from them. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Dorothy Dale and Her Chums
By Margaret Penrose
"Dorothy Dale and Her Chums" by Margaret Penrose is a fictional novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the adventur...
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About the Author
Margaret Penrose was a house pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate as the author of three girls' book series published by Cupples & Leon.
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