"The Basket of Flowers" by Christoph von Schmid is a children's novel written in the early 19th century. The story is set in Germany and follows the life of Mary, the daughter of a humble gardener named James Rode, highlighting themes of faith, virtue, and the consequences of misfortune. As they enjoy a simple life filled with beauty and love, Mary's life takes a dramatic turn when she is wrongfully accused of stealing a ring, leading to a series of trials that test her character and resilience. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to James and his beloved daughter Mary, who share a deep bond nurtured by their devout Christian faith and a love for gardening. As James teaches Mary valuable life lessons, they cultivate their garden and enjoy their modest but fulfilling life. However, the peace is shattered when Mary inadvertently encounters the Countess's daughter and offers her flowers, which leads to an unexpected friendship. This relationship sets off a chain of events culminating in Mary's wrongful accusation of theft, bringing heartache and tribulation to both her and her father. The opening chapters emphasize the importance of integrity and trust in God, establishing the foundation for Mary's journey through hardship and her unwavering belief in divine justice. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Basket of Flowers
By Christoph von Schmid
"The Basket of Flowers" by Christoph von Schmid is a children's novel written in the early 19th century. The story is set in Germany and follows the l...
Christoph von Schmid was a writer of children's stories and an educator. His stories were very popular and translated into many languages. His best known work in the English-speaking world is The Basket of Flowers. In this work, fifteen-year-old Mary is taught all the principles of godliness through the flowers planted and cared for by her father, James, who is the king's gardener. When she is falsely accused of stealing and temporarily banished, her friends try to find some evidence in order to prove that Mary didn't do anything wrong until it's too late. In recent years, The Basket of Flowers has been published in the United States as part of the Lamplighter Family Collection.