"The Late Mrs. Null" by Frank R. Stockton is a novel written during the late 19th century. The narrative revolves around a young woman named Roberta March, who lives with her uncle at the old family estate of Midbranch in Virginia. The story unfolds through her interactions with various characters, including a gentleman named Lawrence Croft, with whom she shares a complex relationship, as well as the looming presence of Junius Keswick, Roberta's former fiancé. At the start of the novel, we are introduced to the picturesque setting of Midbranch, with detailed descriptions of the natural surroundings and the family mansion. Roberta is portrayed as a capable and intelligent young woman, managing her uncle's household while pondering the nature of her relationships. Meanwhile, Lawrence Croft, who has feelings for Roberta, grapples with his uncertainty about their connection, especially as he learns of her past engagement to Keswick. As the chapters progress, the plot builds tension around Roberta’s feelings for both men, further complicated by the arrival of Mrs. Null at the Keswick household. This opening portion sets up a story rich in character development, social dynamics, and the exploration of love and identity amidst the backdrop of Southern gentry. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Late Mrs. Null
By Frank R. Stockton
"The Late Mrs. Null" by Frank R. Stockton is a novel written during the late 19th century. The narrative revolves around a young woman named Roberta M...
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About the Author
Frank Richard Stockton was an American writer and humorist, best known today for a series of innovative children's fairy tales that were widely popular during the last decades of the 19th century.
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