"Hard Pressed" by Fred M. White is a novel written in the late 19th century. The storyline revolves around May Haredale, the daughter of a financially struggling baronet, who navigates romantic entanglements with the wealthy South African millionaire Raymond Copley while dealing with past relationships. The book explores themes of love, social status, and moral dilemmas, particularly through the challenges faced by May as Copley seeks her hand against the backdrop of her father's financial crisis. At the start of the novel, the scene is set during a glamorous evening at the National Opera House, where May attends alongside her father and Copley, who has taken a particular interest in her. As tensions surface regarding her father's financial difficulties and Copley's intentions, May finds herself reflecting on her past and the impact of the present situation on her family’s future. The narrative introduces Harry Fielden, a figure from May's past, further complicating her emotions and the choices before her. The opening chapters reveal the stakes of social ambition and personal affection, laying the groundwork for a dramatic exploration of the characters' interactions and motivations. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Hard Pressed
By Fred M. (Fred Merrick) White
"Hard Pressed" by Fred M. White is a novel written in the late 19th century. The storyline revolves around May Haredale, the daughter of a financially...
Fred Merrick White (1859–1935) wrote a number of novels and short stories under the name "Fred M. White" including the six "Doom of London" science-fiction stories, in which various catastrophes beset London. These include The Four Days' Night (1903), in which London is beset by a massive killer smog; The Dust of Death (1903), in which diphtheria infects the city, spreading from refuse tips and sewers; and The Four White Days (1903), in which a sudden and deep winter paralyses the city under snow and ice. These six stories all first appeared in Pearson's Magazine, and were illustrated by Warwick Goble. He was also a pioneer of the spy story, and in 2003, his series The Romance of the Secret Service Fund was edited by Douglas G. Greene and published by Battered Silicon Dispatch Box.