"The Weakling" by Everett B. Cole is a science fiction novel written during the mid-20th century. The story unfolds in a future world where psionics and psychic powers shape societal dynamics, particularly through the interactions between the powerful psionics and the subservient pseudomen. The primary focus of the book revolves around themes of power, control, and survival within a complex socio-political framework. The narrative centers on the Master Protector Kio Barra, who struggles with his own insecurities and fears despite his substantial use of psionic power and control devices. The story kicks into motion with the disappearance of a caravan master’s brother, leading Naran Makun to investigate. As Makun navigates through Kira Barra's territory, he uncovers the chilling truth about the fate of previous caravans and the manipulative nature of Barra, whose fear drives him to murder and domination over the caravan masters. The climax reveals a confrontation between Naran and Barra, resulting in Barra’s internal collapse and eventual downfall. The novel explores deep psychological themes intertwined with action and moral dilemmas regarding power and its impact on human relationships in a controlled society. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Weakling
By Everett B. Cole
"The Weakling" by Everett B. Cole is a science fiction novel written during the mid-20th century. The story unfolds in a future world where psionics a...
Everett B. Cole (1910-2001) was an American writer of science fiction short stories and a professional soldier. He fought at Omaha Beach during World War II and worked as a signal maintenance and property officer at Fort Douglas, Utah, retiring in 1960. He got a bachelor's degree in Math and Physics and became a Math, Physics, and Chemistry teacher at Yorktown High School in Texas. His first science fiction story, "Philosophical Corps" was published in the magazine Astounding in 1951. His fix-up of that story and two others, The Philosophical Corps, was published by Gnome Press in 1962. A second novel, The Best Made Plans, was serialized in Astounding in 1959, but never published in book form. He also co-authored historical books about the south Texas region.