"The Mating of Lydia" by Mrs. Humphry Ward is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story likely revolves around the complexities of personal relationships against the backdrop of changing societal norms, exploring themes of love, duty, and self-identity through the experiences of its characters. The opening of the novel sets a scene at the dilapidated Threlfall Tower, where two servants, Dixon and his wife, await the arrival of their new master, Mr. Melrose, and his Italian wife, Netta. The couple's dialogue reveals their concerns about the state of the house and their strange new situation. Ultimately, Mr. Melrose and his family arrive, and the narrative hints at the tensions that lie ahead due to the contrasting lifestyles and expectations between the Melroses and the local inhabitants. Mrs. Melrose's fitting into the bleak and damp Cumbrian life contrasts sharply with her origins, foreshadowing challenges as the family settles into their new home. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Mating of Lydia
By Humphry Ward
"The Mating of Lydia" by Mrs. Humphry Ward is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story likely revolves around the complexities of personal...
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About the Author
Mary Augusta Ward was a British novelist who wrote under her married name as Mrs Humphry Ward. She worked to improve education for the poor setting up a Settlement in London and in 1908 she became the founding President of the Women's National Anti-Suffrage League.
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