"Hal Kenyon Disappears" by Gordon Stuart is a children's adventure novel written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds around a group of Boy Scouts at Lakefarm School who embark on outdoor adventures, led by their charismatic headmaster, Dr. Regulus Byrd. The main character, Hal Kenyon, faces an unexpected ordeal when he attempts to explore a mysterious cave behind a waterfall in Mummy Cañon, leading to exciting twists and challenges. The opening of the novel introduces the picturesque setting of Mummy Cañon, highlighting the boys’ enthusiasm during a summer outing. As Hal and his friend Byron attempt to ignite a campfire, the camaraderie and spirited atmosphere of the group are established. However, Hal's adventure takes a turn when the excitement of exploring the hidden cave leads to his accidental entrapment. The narrative sets up a tense search for Hal, emphasizing themes of friendship, bravery, and the unpredictability of adventure as the other boys, led by Dr. Byrd, band together to rescue him from behind the waterfall. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Hal Kenyon Disappears
By Gordon (Adventure story writer) Stuart
"Hal Kenyon Disappears" by Gordon Stuart is a children's adventure novel written in the mid-20th century. The story unfolds around a group of Boy Scou...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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