"Kittyboy's Christmas" by Amy Ella Blanchard is a charming children's story written in the late 19th century. This heartwarming tale revolves around the adventures of a little black cat named Kittyboy, who unexpectedly finds a new home with a bachelor doctor during the Christmas season. The narrative explores themes of kindness, the spirit of giving, and the magic of childhood faith in Santa Claus. The story begins with Kittyboy, lost and alone, as he seeks shelter from the cold and wanders into the home of Dr. Brewster. Despite initial intentions to send the cat back outdoors, the doctor finds himself charmed by Kittyboy's playful antics. Meanwhile, as the doctor discovers letters addressed to Santa Claus, he is inspired to help needy children in the community. The story intertwines the experiences of Kittyboy with the doctor’s encounters with Elinor Temple, a little girl who dreams of a new cat and a new father. Ultimately, through acts of kindness, both Kittyboy and the doctor bring joy to those around them, culminating in a delightful Christmas that fulfills the heartfelt wishes of a young girl. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Kittyboy's Christmas
By Amy Ella Blanchard
"Kittyboy's Christmas" by Amy Ella Blanchard is a charming children's story written in the late 19th century. This heartwarming tale revolves around t...
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About the Author
Amy Ella Blanchard was a prolific American writer of children's literature.
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