"A Study In Shadows" by William John Locke is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces Felicia Graves, a young English woman grappling with her identity and feelings of isolation while residing in the dreary Pension Boccard in Geneva. Surrounded by a diverse group of lonely women, Felicia's sheltered worldview is challenged as she confronts the complexities and sorrows of their lives. At the start of the book, Felicia is portrayed as a naive girl, having recently lost her parents and sent to live in the Pension Boccard by her well-meaning relatives. She becomes intrigued and alarmed by the six women who share her table, each of whom possesses tales of loneliness and past disappointments. Felicia's interactions reveal her initial ignorance of darker aspects of life, her yearning for connection, and a burgeoning friendship with Mrs. Stapleton, an older widow who understands the challenges of life's failures. As the setting shifts to the expectations of summer, new dynamics emerge with the anticipation of Raine Chetwynd, the old professor’s son, hinting at future complexities in Felicia's emotional journey. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Study In Shadows
By William John Locke
"A Study In Shadows" by William John Locke is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story introduces Felicia Graves, a young English woman gr...
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About the Author
William John Locke was a British novelist, dramatist and playwright, best known for his short stories.
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