"Rodeo" by W. C. Tuttle is a humorous short story published in the late 1920s, likely during the Roaring Twenties. This work falls under the category of fiction with a comedic twist revolving around rodeo events. The narrative centers on the lively antics and colorful personalities involved in a rodeo, capturing the spirit of cowboy culture and the thrill of competitive riding. In the story, the reader is introduced to a vibrant rodeo event where various riders, each with unique backgrounds and styles, compete in steer and bronc riding. The commentary provided throughout the rodeo adds a layer of humor and playfulness, showcasing the distinctive character of the announcer as he engages with the audience and comments on the riders’ performances—often in a lighthearted manner. The antics reveal the challenges faced by the competitors and the quirky nature of the rodeo scene, blending comedy with the thrilling spectacle of cowboy life. Overall, the narrative captures the fun and excitement of the rodeo while illustrating the amusing interactions among the participants. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By W. C. (Wilbur C.) Tuttle
"Rodeo" by W. C. Tuttle is a humorous short story published in the late 1920s, likely during the Roaring Twenties. This work falls under the category ...
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About the Author
W. C. Tuttle was an American writer who sold more than 1000 magazine stories and dozens of novels, almost all of which were westerns.
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