"The Tangled Threads" by Eleanor H. Porter is a collection of short stories written in the early 20th century. The book explores the lives and struggles of various characters, with themes centering on personal sacrifice, dreams, and family dynamics. The opening stories introduce us to characters such as Hester Martin, a mother deeply dedicated to providing her daughter Penelope with opportunities she herself never had, highlighting the emotional and financial challenges of their lives. At the start of the collection, Hester Martin is depicted as a woman who has dedicated her life to her family, reflecting on her past desires for music that remained unfulfilled. After years of saving, she finally plans to give her daughter music lessons, hoping to fulfill the dreams she could not realize. The narrative showcases Hester's hopes, her daughter's initial indifference to music, and the solace Hester finds in playing the piano, illustrating the bond between mother and daughter shaped by love, expectation, and the yearning for a better life through music. This opening segment sets the tone for the stories to come, which promise insights into the intricacies of human relationships and the threads that bind us all. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Tangled Threads
By Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman) Porter
"The Tangled Threads" by Eleanor H. Porter is a collection of short stories written in the early 20th century. The book explores the lives and struggl...
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About the Author
Eleanor Emily Hodgman Porter was an American novelist. She was best known as the creator of the Polyanna series of books, starting with Pollyanna (1913), which were a popular phenomenon.
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