"A Question" by Georg Ebers is a historical novel probably written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in a vibrant setting filled with characters from ancient Syracuse, focusing on the lives and relationships within a wealthy household overseen by the housekeeper Semestre. Central to the plot are Xanthe, the lovely daughter of Lysander, and her complex feelings toward her cousin Phaon, as well as the impending arrival of the handsome Leonax from Messina, who could change everything. The opening of the novel introduces us to the daily life of Lysander's household, showcasing interactions between the housekeeper Semestre and her maidservants, as they discuss property issues following Lysander's illness. As tensions brew regarding the future of Lysander's estate and the fates of Xanthe and Phaon, Xanthe's emotions hover between anticipation for Leonax's visit and jealousy towards Phaon, who is rumored to be courting another heiress. Through a mix of humor and gravity, the social dynamics and the potential for romance are set against a backdrop of familial loyalty and duty, foreshadowing the conflicts to come. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Question
By Georg Ebers
"A Question" by Georg Ebers is a historical novel probably written in the late 19th century. The story unfolds in a vibrant setting filled with charac...
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About the Author
Georg Moritz Ebers was a German Egyptologist and novelist. He is best known for his purchase of the Ebers Papyrus, one of the oldest Egyptian medical documents in the world.
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