"Tartarin de Tarascon" by Alphonse Daudet is a humorous novel written during the late 19th century. The story centers on Tartarin, a boastful and whimsical man from Tarascon, whose larger-than-life persona and desire for adventure often lead him into absurd situations. The book parodies the adventurous spirit of the era, particularly in relation to colonial exploits and the French fascination with big game hunting. The opening portion introduces readers to Tartarin's life in Tarascon, where he is both admired and mocked for his grandiose claims of bravery and hunting prowess. Despite the absence of real game in the region, Tartarin maintains his status as a hero among the townspeople through his elaborate stories and participation in ridiculous hat-shooting competitions. As he aspires for deeper adventures beyond his mundane life, the narrative humorously explores the contrast between his fantasies—filled with lions and danger—and the reality of his small-town existence, setting the stage for his eventual, comically misguided expedition to Africa. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Tartarin de Tarascon
By Alphonse Daudet
There is an improved edition of this title, eBook #10687
Alphonse Daudet was a French novelist. He was the husband of Julia Daudet and father of Edmée, Léon and Lucien Daudet.
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