"The Adventure Girls at Happiness House" by Clair Blank is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a group of six girls, known as the Adventure Girls, who embark on their college journey at Briarhurst College, where they navigate the challenges of student life while encountering mysterious happenings that seem to threaten their new environment. Each girl, especially Gale Howard and Phyllis Elton, is portrayed with distinct characteristics; their adventures lead them to become involved in a series of mysteries surrounding the new Dean and the campus. At the start of the narrative, readers are introduced to Gale and her friends as they arrive at Briarhurst College, filled with excitement and a touch of trepidation about new experiences and friendships. While they settle into their new surroundings and begin classes, they quickly become aware of strange incidents involving the Dean, including the sabotaging of her canoe and a mysterious incident with a test tube of acid. As Gale takes the initiative to rescue the Dean from a potentially tragic accident, it sets off a cascade of events that intertwine the girls into the unfolding mystery that engulfs their college life. The plot thickens with the introduction of rivalries, friendships, and the looming question of who is behind the sinister occurrences at Briarhurst. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Adventure Girls at Happiness House
By Clair Blank
"The Adventure Girls at Happiness House" by Clair Blank is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story centers around a group of six g...
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About the Author
Clarissa Mabel Blank was an American author. She wrote the Beverly Gray mystery series and four other novels.
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