"Pride and His Prisoners" by A. L. O. E. is a fictional work written in the mid-19th century. The narrative delves into themes of pride, temptation, and the duality of human character, personified through the spirits of Pride and Intemperance. The story unfolds against a backdrop of a decaying castle and a pastoral setting, introducing characters such as the disinherited Timon Bardon and the virtuous Ida Aumerle, setting the stage for moral and spiritual struggles. The opening of the book paints a vivid picture of the contrast between the vibrant beauty of nature and the decaying Nettleby Tower, symbolizing lost honor and pride's destructive legacy. As the spirits of Pride and Intemperance observe the lives of various characters, they debate their influence over human hearts. We are introduced to Ida Aumerle, a character of virtue who resists their temptations, while her father, the bitter Dr. Bardon, grapples with his disinheritance and pride in his own way. The dynamic between the spirits sets up a compelling allegory, as readers are invited to reflect on their own struggles with pride and conscience, making the narrative both a moral exploration and a character-driven story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Pride and His Prisoners
By A. L. O. E.
"Pride and His Prisoners" by A. L. O. E. is a fictional work written in the mid-19th century. The narrative delves into themes of pride, temptation, a...
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About the Author
Charlotte Maria Tucker was a prolific English writer and poet for children and adults, who wrote under the pseudonym A.L.O.E.. Late in life she spent a period as a volunteer missionary in India, where she died.
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