"The War-Workers" by E. M. Delafield is a novel written in the early 20th century, specifically around the time of World War I. The story revolves around a group of women working at the Midland Supply Depôt, where they manage logistics and supplies for the war efforts. The main character is Miss Charmian Vivian, who is dedicated to her role as director, showcasing her resilience and commitment while the narrative explores themes of sacrifice, camaraderie, and the social dynamics within the wartime setting. The opening of the novel introduces us to the Hostel for Voluntary Workers in Questerham, where the dedicated staff discusses Miss Vivian's demanding workload and their observations of her tireless efforts. The interaction among the characters reveals the camaraderie and occasional frustrations that arise in their service. Contrasting perspectives on their work highlight Vivian's effectiveness and the strain it places on her and her team. As we meet other characters like Miss Delmege and Miss Marsh, the dynamics of support and rivalry unfold, setting the stage for further exploration of their lives and challenges in the context of wartime volunteerism. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The War-Workers
By E. M. Delafield
"The War-Workers" by E. M. Delafield is a novel written in the early 20th century, specifically around the time of World War I. The story revolves aro...
Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood, née de la Pasture, commonly known as E. M. Delafield, was a prolific English author. She wrote novels, short stories, and plays, among other genres, but Delafield is best known for her largely autobiographical Diary of a Provincial Lady, which took the form of a journal of the life of an upper-middle class Englishwoman living mostly in a Devon village of the 1930s. In sequels, the Provincial Lady buys a flat in London, travels to America and attempts to find war-work during the Phoney War. Delafield's other works include an account of a visit to the Soviet Union, but this is not part of the Provincial Lady series, despite having been reprinted with the title The Provincial Lady in Russia. Delafield is considered by many to have been a master of the comedy of manners.