"Princess Polly's Playmates" by Amy Brooks is a children's novel set in the late 19th century. This delightful story follows the adventures of Polly Sherwood, affectionately called Princess Polly, and her close friends, Vivian Grafton and Leslie Osborne, as they explore their idyllic lives filled with play, letters from distant friends, and the whimsy of childhood imagination. The narrative introduces themes of friendship, jealousy, and the excitement of childhood, as Polly's heart and adventures revolve around her loved ones. At the start of the novel, the three friends eagerly anticipate the arrival of letters from Rose Atherton, a dear friend who has moved away. As they anxiously await the postman, they engage in lighthearted imaginative play, discussing stories of enchanted castles and princesses. Upon receiving Rose's letter, which reflects her loneliness without Polly, the girls sympathize with her and reminisce about their joyful times together. The overarching emotions of longing and camaraderie set the tone for the story, inviting readers to join Polly and her friends in their charming world filled with fun and heartfelt moments. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Princess Polly's Playmates
By Amy Brooks
"Princess Polly's Playmates" by Amy Brooks is a children's novel set in the late 19th century. This delightful story follows the adventures of Polly S...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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