"The Launch Boys' Adventures in Northern Waters" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a fictional adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around two young protagonists, Alvin Landon and Chester Haynes, who find themselves entangled in a detective adventure involving post office robberies along the coast of Maine. They team up with a detective named Stockham Calvert and their trusty first mate, Mike Murphy, to chase down criminals under the guise of a thrilling boating adventure. At the start of the narrative, the characters are introduced as they enjoy a lively gathering, only to be interrupted by the mysterious arrival of Calvert, who seeks their assistance in his investigation. His proposal sparks intrigue and excitement in Alvin and Chester, leading them to consider using their fast motorboat, the "Deerfoot", to help track down the nefarious "Water Witch", an enemy launch. As they embark on this adventure, suspicions about Calvert's true identity and intentions begin to surface, setting the stage for an engaging tale filled with suspense, camaraderie, and the thrill of the chase against the backdrop of Northern waters. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Launch Boys' Adventures in Northern Waters
By Edward Sylvester Ellis
"The Launch Boys' Adventures in Northern Waters" by Edward Sylvester Ellis is a fictional adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story...
Edward Sylvester Ellis was an American author.
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