"Gigolo" by Edna Ferber is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Gideon Gory, a young man from a formerly affluent family, who has fallen into the role of a gigolo, a man living off the money of women. Set against the backdrop of a changing society post-World War I, the novel explores themes of social status, identity, and the complexities of relationships. The opening of "Gigolo" introduces Nick, a charming young garage mechanic, who is the reluctant object of affection for several women, while he remains indifferent to their advances, preferring to lead a carefree life. As Nick engages with the women around him, it's clear that he possesses an enigmatic charm that captivates them despite his rough exterior and low-paying job. The groundwork is laid for a deeper exploration of his character as he interacts with these women and aims to pursue his own desires and happiness. This initial glimpse into Nick's world sets the stage for an exploration of masculinity, societal expectations, and the allure of a more liberated lifestyle. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Edna Ferber
"Gigolo" by Edna Ferber is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around Gideon Gory, a young man from a formerly affluent famil...
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About the Author
Edna Ferber was an American novelist, short story writer and playwright. Her novels include the Pulitzer Prize-winning So Big (1924), Show Boat, Cimarron, Giant and Ice Palace (1958), which also received a film adaptation in 1960. She helped adapt her short story "Old Man Minick", published in 1922, into a play (Minick) and it was thrice adapted to film, in 1925 as the silent film Welcome Home, in 1932 as The Expert, and in 1939 as No Place to Go.
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