"Fourth Down!" by Ralph Henry Barbour is a young adult sports novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the lives of teenage boys at Yardley Hall School, particularly focusing on Toby Tucker as he navigates the challenges of school life, friendships, and football. The narrative explores themes of camaraderie, competition, and personal growth against the backdrop of the sport. The beginning of "Fourth Down!" introduces us to Toby Tucker and his companions as they return to school after summer vacation. Amidst their conversations about school and impending challenges, the group reflects on their mixed feelings about returning to structured academic life. Their train ride is interrupted by a sudden stop, revealing an unexpected boxcar on the tracks. Upon arriving at Yardley Hall, we learn more about Toby’s previous year and his interactions with other characters, including new students and those he wishes to help, such as the troubled George W. Tubb. The opening sets the stage for a deeper look into the dynamics of school life and the upcoming football season, highlighting both the humor and struggles of adolescence. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Fourth Down!
By Ralph Henry Barbour
"Fourth Down!" by Ralph Henry Barbour is a young adult sports novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around the lives of teenage ...
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About the Author
Ralph Henry Barbour was an American novelist, who primarily wrote popular works of sports fiction for boys. In collaboration with L. H. Bickford, he also wrote as Richard Stillman Powell, notably Phyllis in Bohemia. Other works included light romances and adventure.
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