"The Idiot" by John Kendrick Bangs is a satirical novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a character known as the Idiot, who engages in a series of humorous and absurd conversations with his fellow boarders at a home for single gentlemen run by Mrs. Pedagog. Through his eccentric arguments and light-hearted debates, the Idiot often sparks discussions on a variety of topics, offering a comedic critique of society and the people around him. At the start of the novel, we find ourselves in the dining room of Mrs. Pedagog's boarding house, where the Idiot provokes a lively discussion on the merits of living on a canal boat versus a stationary house. The dialogue reveals the personalities of the other boarders, including Mr. Pedagog, the School-Master, and the Bibliomaniac, who respond with irritation and incredulity to the Idiot's antics. As he humorously defends his thoughts and questions societal conventions, the narrative sets a tone of clever banter mixed with philosophical musings, showcasing the Idiot's unique perspective on life and the world, while simultaneously highlighting the folly of those around him. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Idiot
By John Kendrick Bangs
"The Idiot" by John Kendrick Bangs is a satirical novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a character known as the Idiot, who...
John Kendrick Bangs was an American writer, humorist, editor and satirist.
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