"A Girl of the People" by L. T. Meade is a novel likely written during the late 19th century. The story centers around Elizabeth “Bet” Granger, a strong-willed newspaper girl in Liverpool, and her struggles with the harsh realities of her life following the death of her mother. The narrative explores themes of responsibility, resilience, and the search for identity amid challenging circumstances. At the start of the novel, Bet is confronted by her peers as they encourage her to join them, but she struggles with feelings of defiance and a deep-seated connection to her sick mother. After leaving her friends, she learns of her mother's grave illness and the prior day's loss of her cherished book, "Jane Eyre,"—a symbol of her longing for escapism. As her mother dies, Bet grapples with grief and newfound responsibility for her two younger brothers, the "Cap’n" and "Gen’ral." The opening portions set up Bet's internal conflict and her fierce determination to protect her siblings from their father's neglect, establishing the foundation for her character's evolution throughout the story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Girl of the People
By L. T. Meade
"A Girl of the People" by L. T. Meade is a novel likely written during the late 19th century. The story centers around Elizabeth “Bet” Granger, a stro...
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About the Author
Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith (1844–1914), writing under the pseudonym L. T. Meade, was a prolific writer of girls' stories. She was born in Bandon, County Cork, Ireland, daughter of Rev. R. T. Meade, of Nohoval, County Cork. She later moved to London, where she married Alfred Toulmin Smith in September 1879.
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