"The Other Half" by Edwin L. Sabin is a short story that explores themes of loss, longing, and the consequences of past actions. Written in the early 20th century, the tale unfolds during a plane trip across the rugged landscapes of the American West, invoking a sense of nostalgia and adventure. The narrative centers around the mysterious character John Brown, a man consumed by his search for a long-lost woman and the other half of a silver coin that holds deep personal significance. The storyline follows the narrator, an aviator, who accepts John Brown as a passenger on his return journey from Omaha to San Francisco. As the journey progresses, an engine failure forces them to land in a desolate area where they discover a skeleton and the missing half of Brown's cherished coin. Through a poignant conversation, the aviator reveals the tragic backstory of Brown's lost love and her fate, intertwining the past and present. This encounter leads John Brown to confront his decades-long turmoil wrought by the abandonment of his wife, ultimately giving him a sense of closure as both the physical and emotional halves of his story come together at last. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The other half
By Edwin L. (Edwin Legrand) Sabin
"The Other Half" by Edwin L. Sabin is a short story that explores themes of loss, longing, and the consequences of past actions. Written in the early ...
Edwin Legrand Sabin was an American author, primarily of boys' adventure stories, mostly set in the American West.
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By Edwin L. (Edwin Legrand) Sabin
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