"Little Nobody" by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a mysterious young girl, known simply as "Little Nobody," and the complicated lives of the adults who surround her, including a Northern journalist named Eliot Van Zandt, and a retired actress, Madame Lorraine, who seems to own her. Set against the vibrant backdrop of New Orleans during a time of social intricacies and hidden identities, the novel explores themes of social status, innocence, and the harsh realities of adult malice. At the start of the novel, we meet Eliot Van Zandt, a journalist who arrives in New Orleans and is instantly captivated by the city's charm. Soon, he encounters Madame Lorraine, who invites him into her world that includes a intriguing young girl, the titular Little Nobody. Their first encounter reveals that Little Nobody has a complex and tumultuous life, living under the fickle care of Madame Lorraine while navigating her own desires for freedom and identity. The opening chapters hint at a tumultuous backstory of jealousy, rivalry, and a hidden life, promising a rich exploration of the relationships and power dynamics between the characters as the narrative unfolds. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Little Nobody
By Alex. McVeigh Miller
"Little Nobody" by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a mysterious young girl, known simp...
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About the Author
Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller was the pen name of Mittie Frances Clarke Point, an American novelist. She wrote 80 dime novels during a 50-year career. Her first novel was Rosamond, but her success began with the 1883 romance, The Bride of the Tomb. She died in 1937. In 1978, her home, "The Cedars", was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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