"The Devil Doctor" by Sax Rohmer is a novel written in the early 20th century. The storyline revolves around the notorious Dr. Fu-Manchu, a cunning and sinister figure representing the 'Yellow Peril.' The narrative details the adventures of Dr. Petrie, who reconnects with his comrade Nayland Smith as they attempt to thwart the malevolent plans of Fu-Manchu, igniting feelings of suspense and dread as the plot unfolds. At the start of the novel, Dr. Petrie converses with the Rev. J. D. Eltham about their fears concerning Dr. Fu-Manchu, presumed to be a dangerous mastermind capable of wreaking havoc once more. As Eltham expresses his suspicions that Fu-Manchu may still be alive and plotting, a sense of urgency ensues, leading to a mysterious phone call that lures Petrie out. However, this call is revealed to be a trap as Eltham goes missing, heightening the tension and the stakes. The chapter culminates with Nayland Smith's startling arrival, warning that Eltham is in grave danger, revealing the novel’s central conflict and setting the stage for the impending confrontation with Fu-Manchu. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Devil Doctor
By Sax Rohmer
"The Devil Doctor" by Sax Rohmer is a novel written in the early 20th century. The storyline revolves around the notorious Dr. Fu-Manchu, a cunning an...
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About the Author
Arthur Henry "Sarsfield" Ward, better known as Sax Rohmer, was an English novelist. He is best remembered for his series of novels featuring the master criminal Fu Manchu.
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