"Police!!!" by Robert W. Chambers is a fictional narrative written in the early 20th century. The book centers around a character identified only as Smith, who appears to be an anthropologist on an absurd and reckless scientific expedition, pursued by the New York police and citizens due to his controversial revelations. As Smith runs away, he reflects on his thoughts and ambitious quests in science, while an array of enigmatic characters and peculiar situations unfold around him. At the start of the story, we meet the protagonist as he attempts to escape the authorities while contemplating various complex topics from art to science. He finds himself at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where the ambiance is disrupted by his frantic flight. The narrative introduces other characters, including the Honorable William Jennings Bryan and a waitress named Evelyn Grey, who becomes part of Smith's expedition to uncover a mythical "three-eyed man" in the jungles of Black Bayou, as revealed to him by a Seminole Indian. The beginning sets a tone of whimsical adventure mixed with scientific inquiry, foreshadowing encounters with bizarre situations and potentially dangerous creatures as the story progresses. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Robert W. (Robert William) Chambers
"Police!!!" by Robert W. Chambers is a fictional narrative written in the early 20th century. The book centers around a character identified only as S...
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About the Author
Robert William Chambers was an American artist and fiction writer, best known for his book of short stories titled The King in Yellow, published in 1895.
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