"Under the Red Dragon" by James Grant is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. Set against the backdrop of military life during a time of conflict, the story centers on Lieutenant Harry Hardinge, who navigates his feelings for Lady Estelle Cressingham while juggling his duties as a soldier. The narrative unfolds in a period filled with romance, social dynamics, and the looming specter of war, specifically the Crimean War. The opening of the novel introduces Lieutenant Harry Hardinge and his fellow officers as they lament their stagnant lives at barracks while anticipating possible deployment to the warfront. A letter from Sir Madoc Lloyd invites Hardinge to Craigaderyn Court, where he hopes to reunite with old friends, particularly Winifred Lloyd, whom he finds enchanting. As the chapter progresses, Hardinge reflects on his unrequited love for Lady Estelle Cressingham, who is present at the court, adding layers of drama and internal conflict to his military existence. These themes of love, ambition, and social status are richly intertwined in the early chapters, foreshadowing the complexities of relationships in the context of war. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Under the Red Dragon: A Novel
By James Grant
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
"Under the Red Dragon" by James Grant is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. Set against the backdrop of military life during a time ...
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About the Author
James Grant (1822–1887) was a Scottish novelist and miscellaneous writer.
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