"Boy: A Sketch" by Marie Corelli is a fictional narrative written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young child named Boy, who is portrayed with innocence and a sense of wonder amidst the chaotic and disordered life he leads with his neglectful parents, Captain the Honourable D'Arcy-Muir and Mrs. D'Arcy-Muir. The book explores themes of childhood, parental responsibility, and the contrast between innocence and moral degradation. The opening of the narrative introduces Boy in a feeding chair, observing the disarray of his home life as he grapples with the behavior of his drunken father, affectionately known as "Poo Sing." Despite the unfortunate circumstances surrounding him—highlighted by his father's depravity and his mother's sloth—Boy displays remarkable compassion and naivety. He is comforted by his interactions with “Kiss-Letty” (Miss Letitia Leslie), a gentle and kind woman intrigued by Boy’s potential. As she considers adopting him, the boundaries between his former life and new opportunities begin to blur, establishing a foundation for the story's exploration of his future. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Boy: A Sketch
By Marie Corelli
"Boy: A Sketch" by Marie Corelli is a fictional narrative written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young child named Boy, who is p...
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About the Author
Mary Mackay, also called Minnie Mackey and known by her pseudonym Marie Corelli, was an English novelist.
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