"Wolf Breed" by Jackson Gregory is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the North Woods, where the changing seasons bring together a diverse cast of characters around the celebration of Père Marquette and Mère Jeanne's anniversary. Among those present is Dave Drennen, known as "No-Luck Drennen," whose reclusive nature and contentious past set the stage for conflict as new faces enter the Settlement, including the charming Ramon Garcia and the captivating Ernestine Dumont. The opening of "Wolf Breed" introduces readers to the vibrant atmosphere of MacLeod's Settlement as its inhabitants gather for a festive celebration at Père Marquette's house, marking their cherished tradition. Amid the revelry, tensions arise with the arrival of newcomers, particularly the dandy Ramon Garcia, who flirts with Ernestine and disrupts the dynamics of the established relationships. As confrontations brew, notably between Drennen and Kootanie George, simmering emotions threaten to ignite into violence, setting the tone for conflict and competition in this rugged frontier setting. The rich descriptions of the characters and the lively atmosphere create an enticing glimpse into the struggles and relationships that will unfold in the novel. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Wolf Breed
By Jackson Gregory
"Wolf Breed" by Jackson Gregory is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the North Woods, where the changing seasons bring t...
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About the Author
Jackson Gregory was an American teacher, journalist, and writer.
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