"The Border Boys Along the St. Lawrence" by Fremont B. Deering is an adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of boys known as the Border Boys, led by Ralph Stetson, as they embark on an exciting journey along the St. Lawrence River. Their adventure is filled with moments of suspense and danger, particularly as they navigate treacherous rapids and encounter mysterious occurrences, including a ghostly craft on the river. The opening of the book introduces Ralph and his companions as they skillfully handle the motor boat, the "River Swallow", while approaching the wild waters known as the Gallops. Amidst the excitement of navigating the rapids, Ralph's unease about one of the boat's crew members, Malvin, begins to surface, hinting at future conflicts. Just as the boys feel confident steering through the challenging waters, an alarming moment occurs when Ralph's urge to evade a dangerous rock turns into a thrilling challenge. The tension escalates with the sudden appearance of the mysterious ghost craft, which raises questions about the intentions of its crew, setting the stage for a series of puzzling events and adventures to come. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Border Boys Along the St. Lawrence
By John Henry Goldfrap
"The Border Boys Along the St. Lawrence" by Fremont B. Deering is an adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a group of b...
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About the Author
John Henry Goldfrap was an English-born journalist and author of boys' books, participating in the "American series phenomenon". He always wrote under pseudonyms.
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