"The Tale of Frisky Squirrel" by Arthur Scott Bailey is a charming children's story written in the early 20th century. This delightful book features a lively and adventurous young squirrel named Frisky, set in the enchanting world of woodland creatures. It likely revolves around themes of friendship, nature, and the humorous escapades of Frisky as he interacts with various inhabitants of his forest home. In the story, Frisky Squirrel is depicted as a bold and daring character who engages in playful mischief with other animals, such as teasing birds and dodging predators like hawks and foxes. Throughout his adventures, Frisky's curiosity often leads him into amusing and precarious situations, such as inadvertently riding a mud turtle and encountering a tricky coon. His encounters include humorous instances at Farmer Green’s farm and his relationship with other animal characters like Jimmy Rabbit and Freddie Weasel. The narrative emphasizes Frisky's resilience, the value of home, and the importance of caution in the face of mischief, crafting a delightful tapestry of life in the forest that will resonate with young readers. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Tale of Frisky Squirrel
By Arthur Scott Bailey
"The Tale of Frisky Squirrel" by Arthur Scott Bailey is a charming children's story written in the early 20th century. This delightful book features a...
Arthur Scott Bailey was an American writer. He was the author of more than forty children's books. He was born in St. Albans, Vermont, United States, the second child of Winfield Scott Bailey and Harriet Sarah Goodhue. Winfield Bailey owned a dry goods shop that was stated to be "one of the most reputable of St. Albans mercantile concerns" and specialized in furs; namely ladies' fur coats, muffs and scarves. Bailey attended St. Albans Academy and graduated in 1896, in a class of only eleven other students. He then went on to the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, where he became involved in a fraternal organization, Sigma Phi.