"The Nest Egg" by W. W. Jacobs is a short story written during the early 20th century, reflective of life's complex social interactions and personal dilemmas. This humorous tale focuses on themes such as deceit, relationships, and the consequences of one's actions, particularly in the realm of romance and financial trust. The story revolves around Charlie Tagg, a young sailor who is deeply in love with his fiancée, Emma Cook, and has been saving money to start their future together. However, upon returning home, he finds himself entangled in a web of deceit fueled by the temptation of another woman in Sydney. Desperate to procure money from Emma to pursue a new opportunity, he concocts a series of excuses and manipulations. The narrative unfolds as old Mr. Cook proposes they invest in a chandlery, which Charlie tries to avoid at all costs while maintaining appearances. Ultimately, his scheme backfires when old debts surface and relationships are tested, leading to a surprising resolution where Emma takes a stand, asserting her independence and moving on from Charlie's manipulative behavior. The story cleverly highlights the folly of artfulness and the importance of honesty in relationships. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Nest Egg Captains All, Book 3.
By W. W. (William Wymark) Jacobs
"The Nest Egg" by W. W. Jacobs is a short story written during the early 20th century, reflective of life's complex social interactions and personal d...
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About the Author
William Wymark Jacobs was an English author of short fiction and drama. He is best known for his story "The Monkey's Paw".
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