"The Newcastle Song Book; or, Tyne-Side Songster" is a collection of comic and satirical songs written in the early 19th century. This anthology captures the eccentric characters and the unique customs of the laboring population of Newcastle and its surroundings, particularly through the lens of the Newcastle dialect. The book serves not just as entertainment but also as a cultural artifact, preserving the humorous spirit and local color of a specific time and place. The opening of this collection begins with an introduction explaining the motivation behind producing this new compilation of songs, emphasizing the disappearing eccentricities of local life due to rising education among the working class. The introductory remarks set the stage for a colorful array of songs, featuring characters like pitmen, keelmen, and various local tradespeople, whose humorous exploits and cultural representations are central to this work. The rich dialect and vivid storytelling promise a lively and immersive reading experience, ideal for anyone interested in regional poetry or the historical social fabric of Newcastle. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Newcastle Song Book; or, Tyne-Side Songster Being a Collection of Comic and Satirical Songs, Descriptive of Eccentric Characters, and the Manners and Customs of a Portion of the Labouring Population of Newcastle and the Neighbourhood
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"The Newcastle Song Book; or, Tyne-Side Songster" is a collection of comic and satirical songs written in the early 19th century. This anthology captu...
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