"How It All Came Round" by L. T. Meade is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around two young women named Charlotte: Charlotte Harman, an affluent girl with literary aspirations, and Charlotte Home, a poor woman struggling to care for her three children. The narrative explores themes of family, relationships, and the contrast between wealth and poverty as both characters face their respective challenges and navigate their intertwined destinies. The opening of the novel introduces Charlotte Harman, who is visited by her uncle Jasper and her father in their wealthy Kensington residence. Their lighthearted conversation reveals her impending marriage and her achievements as a writer, juxtaposed with the starkly different circumstances of Charlotte Home, who is depicted in a shabby house in Kentish Town, desperately trying to manage her household amidst financial strain. As the narrative unfolds, Charlotte Home is faced with the pressures of poverty, and her resolve to create a better life for her children drives her actions. The prologue effectively sets up the parallel lives of the two Charlottes, hinting at the complexity of their connection and the unfolding drama. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
How It All Came Round
By L. T. Meade
"How It All Came Round" by L. T. Meade is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around two young women named Charlotte: Charlot...
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About the Author
Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith (1844–1914), writing under the pseudonym L. T. Meade, was a prolific writer of girls' stories. She was born in Bandon, County Cork, Ireland, daughter of Rev. R. T. Meade, of Nohoval, County Cork. She later moved to London, where she married Alfred Toulmin Smith in September 1879.
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